Last Post of Autumn
So my last post was the end of the summer and I realised that today is the last day of Autumn in the UK. So that’s a whole season I have not blogged!
So the bees are ok, they are treated for varroa and fed with sugar syrup – we are our local supermarket’s best customers for sugar, goodness knows what they think we do with it. We are about to move the feed out for the winter months and then its fingers crossed that come spring we will still have bees in there.
But, you know what? Beekeepers are not sitting with their feet up browsing their beekeeping catalogues all winter. We are already working out what we need to do over winter to prepare for the Spring.
We have to move a hive as last summer we have company in the form of mason bees in the garden and couldn’t relocate our hive. We think they have gone now – we are going to check- in case they are toasty and sleeping in their underground hive and hopefully clear the space so Hive 3 can move in to position. This will make checking the hives safer at least as at the moment we stand in the fight path to open hive 3 and its a bit tricky.
We also need to tidy up the ‘lets keep it like a nature area’ part of the garden. This is starting to look more like a study in ‘derelict wasteland’ and needs some hard work. Boy beekeeper has discovered the power of hard cash and is hungry for work so think the labour has already been located. I can take the role of providing the vision obviously and Hubby, is best as site supervisor I think. The littlest beekeeper is a whirlwind of energy which directed in the right place can work wonders. It will be fun, maybe something for Boxing Day. That’s always supposed to be ‘doing something outside with the family’. I can always provide vision from the window.
What’s the picture?
Can you not tell? surely that’s obvious, that’s a model of a grain of pollen. Its the littlest beekeepers school project. And did she mention that we are beekeepers, have stuff we could show her class, she wears a beekeeper suit?
Don’t forget, we post on instagram all the time, so anything you missed on here will be on there – follow us @roaringbees